The Film
Flower is a short film about a robot finding friendship with a graceful flower and protecting its new friend at all costs. The short film was created for an Interactive Machinima course at the University of Utah in 2021, being presented at the school's event, EAE Launch. It received positive reviews from the event's audience of students, faculty, and industry guests. 
My Responsibilities
Due to my experience in screenwriting for both entertainment and freelance work, I had the honor of being assigned as head script writer of this project. This involved taking the initial storyline from our pitched concept, writing drafts, creating further storylines and moments with my fellow writer and our teammates, and ultimately writing out the final screenplay for our team to follow in the creation of this short film.
Video Editing and VFX
Working in Adobe Premiere Pro for this project allowed me to take the opportunity to not only edit various scenes but to create first person HUD effects. This involved designing a basic concept in Adobe Photoshop before implementing and adjusting it in Premiere, adding a company name, various text alerts such as "DANGER!" and even sound effects for such an alert. In addition, I also worked to create a rain effect, though initially they were a struggle to implement, I was able to find and implement a strong rain effect to allow a sense of urgency to the story.
Writing Samples
Below are various writing samples from this project, displaying both a draft of the screenplay and a list of many of our concepts and ideas while creating this film. Please use the clickable links below to look these samples over.
An initial script written by me and a co-writer for the short film prior to a few moderate changes to focus on the genre of drama onto the film. Keep in mind, this is a draft so some has changed from this to the final product.
List of ideas discussed and written during a meeting in February 2021 when deciding on different shots for the film. Keep in mind much has been changed since then, so it may not align to the final product.
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