The Game
Toader Must Die is a 2D strategy game serving as the reverse of the classic title, Frogger. Made for the 2023 GMTK Game Jam in the span of three days, players would choose from a selection of cars to attempt to hit a frog crossing the road before it makes it to the other side.
My Responsibilities
Narrative Design
Based upon the initial idea of a reverse Frogger, I wrote out both concepts and the overall story to fit this theme. This allowed player immersion and understanding as they entered the game, wanting to go against the title toad character and creating a desire to stop them from reaching the end.
User Interface
Through creating concept art and various menus utilizing Unreal Engine 5's Blueprint system and Adobe Photoshop, I was able to help make a readable UI system to communicate gameplay. 
Level Design
Using Unreal Engine 5, designed basic and complex levels to create dynamic gameplay to test players' skillsets. This includes tasks such as creating level layouts and using Maya to sculpt obstacles.
The Result
Releasing on in July 2023, Toader Must Die received positive reviews for its theming, effects, and gameplay, even ranking in the top 500 overall for the game jam.
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